… a travel photography blog

Thailand’s Sweet Tooth: Decadent Desserts

Thais have a sweet tooth and a heavy hand with sugar in much of their cuisine but especially, as in any culture, in desserts and candies.

Following on from my post Thai Street Food: Tasting a Kingdom Stall By Stall here are a few popular Thai desserts.

Sadly, I don’t yet have a photo of my personal favorite, mango with sticky rice slathered in coconut milk and sprinkled with sesame seeds. It’s always gone before my camera comes out!

Banana roti with condensed milk and sugar, iced coffee and Chinese tea at a roadside eatery, desserts, Thailand

Banana roti with condensed milk and sugar, iced coffee and Chinese tea at a roadside eatery

Making roti on a street cart, desserts, Thailand

Making roti on a street cart

Folding a roti, desserts, Thailand

Folding a roti

Ready to eat! Banana roti drizzled with chocolate sauce, sliced and served on paper with wooden sticks to eat, desserts, Thailand

Ready to eat! Banana roti drizzled with chocolate sauce, sliced and served on paper with wooden sticks to eat

Selling kanom beu ung at a street stall, desserts, Thailand

Selling kanom beu ung at a street stall

Pieces of bamboo filled with khao lam (a mixture of sticky rice, coconut milk, black beans and taro root) cooking over charcoal at a street stall, desserts, Thailand

Pieces of bamboo filled with khao lam (a mixture of sticky rice, coconut milk, black beans and taro root) cooking over charcoal at a street stall

Kanom beu ung waiting for buyers at a street stall, desserts, Thailand

Kanom beu ung waiting for buyers at a street stall

Kanom pan ping (toasted bread drenched with condensed milk and sprinkled with sugar), iced coffee, and Chinese tea at a night stall, desserts, Thailand

Kanom pan ping (toasted bread drenched with condensed milk and sprinkled with sugar), iced coffee, and Chinese tea at a night stall

2 responses

  1. I think I need to do a culinary tour of Thailand one of these days. Mouth-watering!

    May 18, 2013 at 11:36 pm

    • Meghan, I highly recommend it! Each region has it’s specialties but my posts have barely scratched the surface!

      May 19, 2013 at 12:17 pm

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